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Read Our Reviews

Great service, everyone did a excellent job, like family


Totally trust John and his team.


I had a problem just a couple of days after the warranty droid expired and John stood behind the work and corrected the problem with no hassle and very professionally. The tech showed me the problem and explained everything to me. Highly recommend.


These guys are the best!


Great staff... Made spending the money tolerable lol


These guys are awesome. They took my girlfriend's car in on short notice and looked it over the same day. Although the news put a damper on the holiday shopping, they were very accommodating. Thank you AA beep beep MCO!

Alejandro R.

AAMCO on Perry Highway is great. I've been going for years, and doing business with John. They have done a transmission, emissions and inspections, and all sorts of repairs over the years. I've never had an issue, and the excellent work and customer service keeps me coming back.

Josh L.

My experience with this garage was a positive one. I needed a transmission rebuild on my Ford Explorer. Besides an extended wait period for the repair, all went well. This minor inconvenience seems a small price to pay for the good work done. In fact my vehicle has never run better.

Joshua M.

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