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Clutch Repair and Service North Pittsburgh

Drive a manual transmission? We know those too! Our Transmission Multi-Point Inspection check may find your problem is with your clutch and cannot be corrected by external adjustments, repair or replacement of a clutch-related component.

Auto mechanic wearing protective work gloves holds old clutch disc over a car engine

Our Transmission Multi-Point Inspection

Your certified AAMCO expert technician will:

  • Remove your vehicle’s transmission
  • Inspect the clutch disc, pressure plate, flywheel and related components
  • Replace any required components to meet AAMCO’s exacting standards
  • Reinstall of the transmission
  • Refill with fresh, clean fluid
  • Perform a lift check to ensure proper clutch installation and adjustment

Your vehicle is then road tested to ensure proper clutch operation, and your car, truck or SUV is ready to go for miles and miles to come.

Get Your Free Inspection Today